Oct. 16, 2014
Episode 17 - 'Carbohydrates' with James Morton PhD

Episode 17 of the Guru Performance 'We Do Science' podcast! In this episode I (Laurent Bannock) discuss 'Carbohydrates' with James Morton PhD (Liverpool John Moores University, UK). In this session we get into:
- Why we need carbohydrates
- How carbohydrates influence performance
- Carbohydrates as fuel
- Carbohydrates and signalling
- Low carbohydrate performance
- 'Train Low, Train High, Sleep Low' etc
- Carbohydrates and body composition
- Periodisation & timing of carbohydrates
- Keto adaptation
- 'Carbohydrate Mouth Rinsing'
Checkout our other podcasts, video blogs and articles on all things performance nutrition at www.GuruPerformance.com