#134 - "Nutrition Behaviour Change for Professional Weight-Making Athletes" with Dan Martin PhD

Episode 134 of the Institute of Performance Nutrition's "We Do Science" podcast! In this episode, I (Laurent Bannock) discuss "Nutrition Behaviour Change for Professional Weight-Making Athletes" with Dan Martin PhD, Liverpool John Moores University, UK).
Discussion Topics Include:
- Dietary and weight-making practices in weight-making athletes
- Weight-cutting in the extreme life of professional jockeys
- Exploring a multi-faceted nutrition behaviour change intervention grounded in behaviour change theory
- An overview of the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation – Behaviour (COM-B) model and Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) in the context of professional jockey athletes and their support network
- A "sneak peek" into Dr Martin's own practice as a working example of how COM-B and BCW theory can be successful applied as a bespoke nutrition behaviour change intervention in "real world" practice
Key Paper(s) Discussed / Referred to:
Development and Implementation of a Nutrition Behaviour Change Intervention Grounded in COM-B and Behaviour Change Wheel Theory for Professional Weight-Making Athletes (not yet published)
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