Jan. 24, 2019
Episode 106 - "The Female Athlete" with Dr Kirsty Elliot-Sale

Episode 106 of the Guru Performance 'We Do Science' podcast! In this episode, I (Laurent Bannock) discuss "The Female Athlete" with Dr Kirsty Elliot-Sale PhD (Nottingham Trent University, UK)
In this session we get into:
- Defining the term 'Female Athlete'
- The 'Menstrual Cycle' and implications for training adaptations and performance
- Hormonal contraceptives: potential impact on training and performance
- Know your athlete: importance of talking to the female athlete
- The 'Female Athlete Triad' and 'RED-S'
- The Evidence-base on female athletes
- Nutritional considerations for health and performance in female athletes
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